Web Resources for VrNaut

Superframe Components
View demos of all Superframe Components here: https://supermedium.com/superframe/

Don Mccurdy's Extras including lots of components in one


Aframe Particle System Component
This component allows replaying particle systems with baked behaviour. This is, instead of calculating the position of all particles on each frame using maths, that value is taken from a cache file (JSON format) with the movement of all the particles already calculated.

Aframe Simple Link Component
Provides a component that makes an entity into a clickable link hotspot. Simple alternative to using a-link
(August 2018)

Aframe Dialog Popup Component
Provides a component that constructs a toggle-able dialog with a title, description, image, and close button.
(v1.7.3 released August 2018)

Networked Aframe
A framework for writing multi-user VR apps in HTML and JS. Built on top of A-Frame.
(0.7.1 released June 2020)

Aframe Super Keyboard Component
Lightweight, functional, and fully customizable keyboard for VR
(released August 2020)

Aframe Cursor Teleport Component
A simple A-Frame component for navigating scenes on non-VR devices. When combined with A-Frame's cursor and look-controls components, this allows users to freely explore A-Frame scenes using device orientation and touch on mobile or using the mouse on desktop.
(released August 2020)

Aframe Spritesheet Component
Spritesheets are a common way to play pre-rendered animation. This component allows you to load up a spritesheet image to an a-image element and easily control its animation. It allows usage of two types of spritesheet formats:

Location Persistence Component
Persist camera location between refreshes or visits by storing data in localStorage. Similar project here https://github.com/Utopiah/aframe-persist-component#readme

Aframe Dust Component
An A-Frame WebVR component that surrounds the user with a cloud of particles. As the user moves, particles from behind the user respawn in front (so you don't have to fill the whole space with particles). This provides visual feedback on the user's motion, which is useful when flying or moving in unearthly spaces. Can also be used to add atmosphere - pink fairy lights for a paradise, black ash for a hellscape. The performance cost is modest, unless you use tens of thousands of particles.

Aframe Teleport Controls Component
Uses the arc style UI for teleporting control.

Aframe Mirror Texture Component
Mirror effect material that works with THREE.CubeCamera snapshots of the scene. Add it to a mesh and it will change its material for a mirror like effect.

Aframe Peer to Peer Component
A component for A-Frame that enables sharing and updating objects with multiple peers over p2p WebRTC.

Play Sound on Event Component
This is a component for AFRAME which allows events to trigger sounds.

Outline Effect Component
Two-pass Outline effect component for A-Frame.

Fireball Effect Component
Places an animated, perhaps texture scrolling effect on a sphere

Aframe Lensflare Component
A component to add a configurable lens-flare (and optional light) to an entity that wraps THREE.JS Lensflares.

Aframe Multiplayer (peer to peer) Croquet Component
The component allows easily, while staying in A-Frame scene definition (plain HTML file), to add a multi-user features onto A-Frame entities in scene. Create Croquet (aka Croquet V) simulations on A-Frame entities. A-Frame multi-user component works by synchronizing / replicating entities and their components to connected peers using Croquet application architecture. It relies on public Croquet reflectors, which are avaliable online on the Internet.





